Residential Cold Tubs for The Ultimate Chill Session
Discover the tub that will take your breath away.
The invigorating sensation that rises up from the tips of your toes when you take a dip in your cold tub is energizing—and addictive.
You challenge yourself and fight through the internal resistance to being submerged.
You choose to trust yourself and go all in. You cast all doubt aside and see it through.
The sense of vitality and accomplishment that washes over you after your cold dip is a beautiful thing—made even better when you can enjoy the experience on your own terms every time.
An Ice Works Bath Co. cold tub makes this ultimate chill session a convenient habit in your everyday life. The performance and durability of our tubs will ensure your two-minute self-care soak is as safe and effective as it is revitalizing.
Ready to Go for a Dip?
Get a feel for our tubs…
The Recovery Cold Tub
The Renew Cold Tub
Custom Cold Tubs
Do you have a personalized cold exposure experience in mind? Our top quality cold tubs can be customized to meet your unique space and needs and are made with the same care and attention to detail as our standard tubs. We’d love to hear about the custom cold tub you’re imagining.

“I can honestly and wholeheartedly say that cold plunging has been the most incredible tool for my physical and mental health, and the most surprising thing about this journey is that it has unlocked this spiritual side to me that I never even knew existed! The benefits have really blown my mind in so many ways. I have become mentally stronger and it has helped with injuries that I have had for many years that I just couldn’t find the right tool to help heal. It has taught me to be brave and has allowed me the space to dig deeper within myself. I have learned so much, but even more, discovering what has always been there.”

The coldest tub you can buy.
A unique tub every time.
Our cold tubs are handcrafted using natural cedar wood. Each piece of cedar has its own unique markings and features, meaning no two tubs are alike.
A safe cold exposure experience.
Our tubs are CSA, SPE-1000-13 Field Evaluated Certified. We’ve gone the extra mile to ensure every tub is individually tested and stamped for safety before you dip in.
The Ultimate Comfort in Cold
Cold immersion can be confronting, but well-designed cold tub features go a long way in making your experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Our intentionally-designed features include…
Non-stick, comfortable liner
Fully Customizable
Ground Fault Protected (GFI) included
Our tubs are CSA, SPE-1000-13 Field Evaluated Certified
Advanced oxidation process (AOP) filtration system
Digital thermostat control
Are you ready to get serious?
Give us a little more info and we will get the ball rolling.
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